Found 11 results

Name Type of Offering Accepted Date
Wireless Electrical Grid LAN, WiGL Inc. Artboard 1
See All Filings
1-A POS 2023-02-15 19:26:42
Amount To Be Raised $20,000,000
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001836728
Filed Document 0001829126-23-001564
Accepted Date 2023-02-15 19:26:42
Type of Offering 1-A POS
Offering Tier Tier2
Principal Place of Business VIRGINIA
Revenue or Assets $50,000.00
State of Jurisdiction VIRGINIA
Type of Security Equity (common or preferred stock)
Wireless Electrical Grid LAN, WiGL Inc. Artboard 1
See All Filings
1-A/A 2023-02-15 18:41:02
Amount To Be Raised $20,000,000
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001836728
Filed Document 0001829126-23-001561
Accepted Date 2023-02-15 18:41:02
Type of Offering 1-A/A
Offering Tier Tier2
Principal Place of Business VIRGINIA
Revenue or Assets $50,000.00
State of Jurisdiction VIRGINIA
Type of Security Equity (common or preferred stock)
Wireless electrical Grid LAN, WiGL, Inc. See All Filings
C 2024-07-01 08:00:35
Financial Interest None
Filing Platform PicMii Crowdfunding LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001836728
Filed Document 0001829126-24-004501
Accepted Date 2024-07-01 08:00:35
Type of Offering C
Security Offered Amount 5405
Security Offered Type Common Stock
Wireless electrical Grid LAN, WiGL, Inc. See All Filings
C 2020-12-28 12:26:08
Financial Interest Two percent (2%) of securities of the total amount of investments raised in the offering, along the same terms as investors.
Filing Platform StartEngine Capital, LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001836728
Filed Document 0001665160-20-001595
Accepted Date 2020-12-28 12:26:08
Type of Offering C
Security Offered Amount 16949
Security Offered Type Common Stock
Wireless Electrical Grid LAN, WiGL Inc. Artboard 1
See All Filings
1-A 2021-11-30 13:20:34
Amount To Be Raised $75,000,000
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001836728
Filed Document 0001829126-21-015063
Accepted Date 2021-11-30 13:20:34
Type of Offering 1-A
Offering Tier Tier2
Principal Place of Business VIRGINIA
Revenue or Assets $24,946.00
State of Jurisdiction VIRGINIA
Type of Security Equity (common or preferred stock)
Wireless electrical Grid LAN, WiGL, Inc. See All Filings
C/A 2021-04-28 13:44:32
Financial Interest Two percent (2%) of securities of the total amount of investments raised in the offering, along the same terms as investors.
Filing Platform StartEngine Capital, LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001836728
Filed Document 0001665160-21-000670
Accepted Date 2021-04-28 13:44:32
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount 16949
Security Offered Type Common Stock
Wireless electrical Grid LAN, WiGL, Inc. See All Filings
C/A 2021-03-29 16:14:42
Financial Interest Two percent (2%) of securities of the total amount of investments raised in the offering, along the same terms as investors.
Filing Platform StartEngine Capital, LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001836728
Filed Document 0001665160-21-000384
Accepted Date 2021-03-29 16:14:42
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount 16949
Security Offered Type Common Stock
Wireless Electrical Grid LAN, WiGL Inc. Artboard 1
See All Filings
1-A POS 2024-02-28 15:48:39
Amount To Be Raised $20,000,000
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001836728
Filed Document 0001829126-24-001171
Accepted Date 2024-02-28 15:48:39
Type of Offering 1-A POS
Offering Tier Tier2
Principal Place of Business VIRGINIA
Revenue or Assets $245,253.00
State of Jurisdiction VIRGINIA
Type of Security Equity (common or preferred stock)
Wireless Electrical Grid LAN, WiGL Inc. Artboard 1
See All Filings
1-A/A 2022-02-14 13:22:00
Amount To Be Raised $20,000,000
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001836728
Filed Document 0001829126-22-003579
Accepted Date 2022-02-14 13:22:00
Type of Offering 1-A/A
Offering Tier Tier2
Principal Place of Business VIRGINIA
Revenue or Assets $24,946.00
State of Jurisdiction VIRGINIA
Type of Security Equity (common or preferred stock)
Wireless electrical Grid LAN, WiGL, Inc. See All Filings
C/A 2021-06-23 14:04:46
Financial Interest Two percent (2%) of securities of the total amount of investments raised in the offering, along the same terms as investors.
Filing Platform StartEngine Capital, LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001836728
Filed Document 0001665160-21-001164
Accepted Date 2021-06-23 14:04:46
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount 16949
Security Offered Type Common Stock
Wireless Electrical Grid LAN, WiGL Inc. Artboard 1
See All Filings
1-A/A 2021-12-22 12:05:25
Amount To Be Raised $75,000,000
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001836728
Filed Document 0001829126-21-016911
Accepted Date 2021-12-22 12:05:25
Type of Offering 1-A/A
Offering Tier Tier2
Principal Place of Business VIRGINIA
Revenue or Assets $24,946.00
State of Jurisdiction VIRGINIA
Type of Security Equity (common or preferred stock)