Found 944 results

Name Type of Offering Accepted Date
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2023-03-30 11:48:59
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000053
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-03-30 11:48:59
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-05-11 20:21:57
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000058
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-05-11 20:21:57
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-05-22 12:41:56
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000065
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-05-22 12:41:56
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-05-22 16:30:48
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000089
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-05-22 16:30:48
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-05-22 18:01:35
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000096
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-05-22 18:01:35
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-05-23 15:52:59
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000116
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-05-23 15:52:59
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-05-30 17:53:06
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000123
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-05-30 17:53:06
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-07-05 13:10:05
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000135
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-07-05 13:10:05
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-07-05 17:40:42
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000142
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-07-05 17:40:42
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-07-06 13:41:22
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000159
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-07-06 13:41:22
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-07-06 12:13:31
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000154
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-07-06 12:13:31
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-07-06 15:51:52
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000161
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-07-06 15:51:52
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-07-07 11:47:24
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000166
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-07-07 11:47:24
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2023-07-13 11:56:54
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000178
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-07-13 11:56:54
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2023-07-24 12:29:01
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000180
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-07-24 12:29:01
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2023-08-08 16:13:17
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000185
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-08-08 16:13:17
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2023-09-19 11:47:10
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000205
Exclusions or Exemptions 506b
Accepted Date 2023-09-19 11:47:10
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2023-09-25 10:45:17
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000224
Exclusions or Exemptions 506b
Accepted Date 2023-09-25 10:45:17
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2023-09-26 15:17:12
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000229
Exclusions or Exemptions 506b
Accepted Date 2023-09-26 15:17:12
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2023-09-28 10:47:53
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000236
Exclusions or Exemptions 506b
Accepted Date 2023-09-28 10:47:53
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2023-10-02 13:34:37
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000243
Exclusions or Exemptions 506b
Accepted Date 2023-10-02 13:34:37
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2023-10-03 12:07:25
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000248
Exclusions or Exemptions 506b
Accepted Date 2023-10-03 12:07:25
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2023-10-04 10:58:56
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000250
Exclusions or Exemptions 506b
Accepted Date 2023-10-04 10:58:56
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-12-04 14:14:41
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000325
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-12-04 14:14:41
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-12-04 14:37:42
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000332
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-12-04 14:37:42
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-12-04 13:55:22
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000320
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-12-04 13:55:22
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-12-04 13:47:43
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000318
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-12-04 13:47:43
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-12-04 14:51:51
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000337
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-12-04 14:51:51
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-12-04 15:15:57
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000344
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-12-04 15:15:57
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2024-01-02 13:59:12
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000001
Exclusions or Exemptions 506b
Accepted Date 2024-01-02 13:59:12
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2024-01-16 14:38:30
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000013
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-01-16 14:38:30
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2024-01-16 15:11:04
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000018
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-01-16 15:11:04
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2024-01-18 11:20:30
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000044
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-01-18 11:20:30
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2024-01-26 13:50:29
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000051
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-01-26 13:50:29
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2024-02-14 14:08:46
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000063
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-02-14 14:08:46
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2024-02-14 14:34:45
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000068
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-02-14 14:34:45
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2024-02-14 14:42:52
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000070
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-02-14 14:42:52
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2024-02-26 12:41:13
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000075
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-02-26 12:41:13
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2024-03-15 13:50:58
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000082
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-03-15 13:50:58
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2024-04-02 12:26:00
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000094
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-04-02 12:26:00
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2024-04-03 11:53:43
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000102
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-04-03 11:53:43
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2024-04-03 11:43:43
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000099
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-04-03 11:43:43
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2024-04-03 17:23:26
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000121
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-04-03 17:23:26
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2024-04-03 16:37:38
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000114
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-04-03 16:37:38
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2024-04-04 10:55:07
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000133
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-04-04 10:55:07
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2024-04-04 11:44:32
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000140
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-04-04 11:44:32
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2024-04-08 13:56:03
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000164
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-04-08 13:56:03
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D 2024-04-17 12:09:15
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-24-000169
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2024-04-17 12:09:15
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-12-04 12:38:00
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000313
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-12-04 12:38:00
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other
Linqto Liquidshares LLC See All Filings
D/A 2023-12-04 15:49:44
Amount To Be Raised Indefinite
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001841356
Filed Document 0001841356-23-000356
Exclusions or Exemptions 506c
Accepted Date 2023-12-04 15:49:44
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Banking and Financial Services
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business CALIFORNIA
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Other