Found 4 results

Name Type of Offering Accepted Date
Camino, LLC
C/A 2025-01-28 16:48:23
Financial Interest None
Filing Platform Honeycomb Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0002044213
Filed Document 0002053950-25-000002
Accepted Date 2025-01-28 16:48:23
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount N/A
Security Offered Type Debt
Camino, LLC
C 2024-12-27 12:20:00
Financial Interest None
Filing Platform Honeycomb Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0002044213
Filed Document 0002050011-24-000004
Accepted Date 2024-12-27 12:20:00
Type of Offering C
Security Offered Amount N/A
Security Offered Type Debt
Camino, LLC
C/A 2025-01-06 12:17:51
Financial Interest None
Filing Platform Honeycomb Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0002044213
Filed Document 0002047900-25-000002
Accepted Date 2025-01-06 12:17:51
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount N/A
Security Offered Type Debt
Camino, LLC
C/A 2025-01-08 17:08:15
Financial Interest None
Filing Platform Honeycomb Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0002044213
Filed Document 0002047204-25-000002
Accepted Date 2025-01-08 17:08:15
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount N/A
Security Offered Type Debt