Found 5 results

Name Type of Offering Accepted Date
Taste of Nature, Inc.
C 2023-12-19 16:31:04
Financial Interest None.
Filing Platform PicMii Crowdfunding LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001952591
Filed Document 0001952591-23-000002
Accepted Date 2023-12-19 16:31:04
Type of Offering C
Security Offered Amount 5000
Security Offered Type Common Stock
Taste of Nature, Inc.
C/A 2024-02-16 12:01:27
Financial Interest None.
Filing Platform PicMii Crowdfunding LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001952591
Filed Document 0001952591-24-000001
Accepted Date 2024-02-16 12:01:27
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount 5000
Security Offered Type Common Stock
Taste of Nature, Inc.
C/A 2024-03-22 15:34:45
Financial Interest None.
Filing Platform PicMii Crowdfunding LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001952591
Filed Document 0001952591-24-000002
Accepted Date 2024-03-22 15:34:45
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount 5000
Security Offered Type Common Stock
Taste of Nature, Inc.
C 2022-11-03 20:38:39
Financial Interest The Intermediary will receive a number of shares of common stock of the issuer that is equal to seven percent (7%) of the total number of shares of common stock sold by the issuer in the offering.
Filing Platform Equifund Crowd Funding Portal Inc.
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001952591
Filed Document 0001213900-22-069135
Accepted Date 2022-11-03 20:38:39
Type of Offering C
Security Offered Amount 20000
Security Offered Type Common Stock
Taste of Nature, Inc.
C/A 2024-03-15 14:30:58
Financial Interest None.
Filing Platform PicMii Crowdfunding LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001952591
Filed Document 0001818274-24-000008
Accepted Date 2024-03-15 14:30:58
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount 5000
Security Offered Type Common Stock