Found 11 results

Name Type of Offering Accepted Date
Bee Mortgage App Inc
C 2024-06-14 19:15:46
Financial Interest No
Filing Platform Wefunder Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001793384
Filed Document 0001670254-24-000704
Accepted Date 2024-06-14 19:15:46
Type of Offering C
Security Offered Amount 50000
Security Offered Type Other
Bee Mortgage App, Inc.
C/A 2020-04-15 10:06:32
Financial Interest No
Filing Platform Fundopolis Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001793384
Filed Document 0001780439-20-000012
Accepted Date 2020-04-15 10:06:32
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount 5000
Security Offered Type Common Stock
Bee Mortgage App, Inc.
C/A 2020-05-28 10:18:34
Financial Interest No
Filing Platform Fundopolis Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001793384
Filed Document 0001780439-20-000029
Accepted Date 2020-05-28 10:18:34
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount 5000
Security Offered Type Common Stock
Bee Mortgage App, Inc.
C/A 2019-11-19 11:51:51
Financial Interest No
Filing Platform Fundopolis Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001793384
Filed Document 0001644600-19-000027
Accepted Date 2019-11-19 11:51:51
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount 5000
Security Offered Type Common Stock
Bee Mortgage App, Inc.
C/A 2020-03-16 17:15:43
Financial Interest No
Filing Platform Fundopolis Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001793384
Filed Document 0001780439-20-000010
Accepted Date 2020-03-16 17:15:43
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount 5000
Security Offered Type Common Stock
Bee Mortgage App, Inc.
C/A 2020-12-22 18:41:29
Financial Interest No
Filing Platform Wefunder Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001793384
Filed Document 0001670254-20-001186
Accepted Date 2020-12-22 18:41:29
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount 50000
Security Offered Type Other
Bee Mortgage App, Inc.
C 2022-05-11 21:36:29
Financial Interest No
Filing Platform Wefunder Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001793384
Filed Document 0001670254-22-000566
Accepted Date 2022-05-11 21:36:29
Type of Offering C
Security Offered Amount 50000
Security Offered Type Other
Bee Mortgage App, Inc.
C 2020-11-20 17:42:39
Financial Interest No
Filing Platform Wefunder Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001793384
Filed Document 0001670254-20-001074
Accepted Date 2020-11-20 17:42:39
Type of Offering C
Security Offered Amount 50000
Security Offered Type Other
Bee Mortgage App, Inc.
C/A 2021-07-28 15:18:06
Financial Interest No
Filing Platform Wefunder Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001793384
Filed Document 0001670254-21-000880
Accepted Date 2021-07-28 15:18:06
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount 50000
Security Offered Type Other
Bee Mortgage App, Inc.
C 2019-11-18 11:41:22
Financial Interest NO
Filing Platform Fundopolis Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001793384
Filed Document 0001644600-19-000023
Accepted Date 2019-11-18 11:41:22
Type of Offering C
Security Offered Amount 5000
Security Offered Type Common Stock
Bee Mortgage App, Inc.
C/A 2021-04-21 13:12:13
Financial Interest No
Filing Platform Wefunder Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001793384
Filed Document 0001670254-21-000513
Accepted Date 2021-04-21 13:12:13
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount 50000
Security Offered Type Other