Found 8 results

Name Type of Offering Accepted Date
JogoHealth, Inc.
D 2021-08-30 17:25:23
Amount To Be Raised $2,600,000
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001777982
Filed Document 0001209191-21-053871
Exclusions or Exemptions 506b
Accepted Date 2021-08-30 17:25:23
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Health Care
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business NEW JERSEY
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Equity
JogoHealth, Inc
C/A 2024-04-23 11:18:16
Financial Interest No
Filing Platform Wefunder Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001777982
Filed Document 0001670254-24-000405
Accepted Date 2024-04-23 11:18:16
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount 443979
Security Offered Type Preferred Stock
JogoHealth, Inc
C 2023-12-21 11:26:20
Financial Interest No
Filing Platform Wefunder Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001777982
Filed Document 0001670254-23-001183
Accepted Date 2023-12-21 11:26:20
Type of Offering C
Security Offered Amount 443979
Security Offered Type Preferred Stock
JogoHealth, Inc
C 2021-08-06 17:54:40
Financial Interest No
Filing Platform Wefunder Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001777982
Filed Document 0001670254-21-000902
Accepted Date 2021-08-06 17:54:40
Type of Offering C
Security Offered Amount 500000
Security Offered Type Other
JogoHealth, Inc.
D 2023-08-25 12:02:35
Amount To Be Raised $7,885,622
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001777982
Filed Document 0001777982-23-000003
Exclusions or Exemptions 506b
Accepted Date 2023-08-25 12:02:35
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Health Care
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business NEW JERSEY
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Equity
JogoHealth, Inc.
D/A 2019-11-08 11:12:56
Amount To Be Raised $2,500,000
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001777982
Filed Document 0001209191-19-055764
Exclusions or Exemptions 506b
Accepted Date 2019-11-08 11:12:56
Type of Offering D/A
Industry Other Health Care
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business NEW JERSEY
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Equity
JogoHealth, Inc.
D 2019-05-31 09:10:35
Amount To Be Raised $1,000,000
Associated Brokers / Dealers N/A
CIK Number 0001777982
Filed Document 0001209191-19-033549
Exclusions or Exemptions 506b
Accepted Date 2019-05-31 09:10:35
Type of Offering D
Industry Other Health Care
Offering Tier N/A
Principal Place of Business NEW JERSEY
Revenue or Assets Decline to Disclose
Type of Security Equity
JogoHealth, Inc
C/A 2024-04-22 21:48:55
Financial Interest No
Filing Platform Wefunder Portal LLC
Offering Amount N/A
CIK Number 0001777982
Filed Document 0001670254-24-000404
Accepted Date 2024-04-22 21:48:55
Type of Offering C/A
Security Offered Amount 443979
Security Offered Type Preferred Stock